Thursday, October 31, 2019

Genesis 1-11 is structured in such a way to reflect certain Essay

Genesis 1-11 is structured in such a way to reflect certain distinctive Israelite articles of faith. Discuss - Essay Example and as, it introduces not only the beginnings of the world but specifically, the formation of Israel as God’s chosen people giving them a sense of religious identity (Gooder 2000, p. 2). The book of Genesis, which in Hebrew is ‘Bereshit’, generally translated as ‘In the beginning’ (Zucker 2005, p. 31), can be divided topically into two parts: the Primeval History (1-11) and the Patriarchal History (12-50) or genealogically into 11 parts: general creation (1:1-11: 3), man’s creation (2:4-4:26),Adam-Seth’s generation (5:1-6:18), Noah-Shem’s generation (6:9-9:29), Noah’s sons’ generation (10:1-11:9), Shem’s generation (6:10-11:26), Terah- Abraham, the chosen seed (11:27-25:11), Ishmael’s generation (25:12-25:18), generation of Isaac-Jacob, chosen seed (25:19-35:29, Esau’s generation (36:1-37:1) and generations of Jacob-Joseph, chosen seed (37:2-50:26); or according to general subject analysis: generation (1-2), degeneration (3-11), and regeneration (12-l); or into its 2 major divisions: Human Race History (1-11) and Israel’s – the chosen nation’s history (12-50) (Evan s 2009, pp. 11-14). Generally, seven major themes characterise the Book of Genesis: origins, order/meaning in history, blessing, covenant, punishment, sibling conflict, and test of faith. It is filled with various tensions that essentially centre on individual survival: ‘fertility and barrenness’; antagonistic sibling rivalry; hostile interfamilial struggles; jealousy; wives competing for attention from the same husband; starvation; ‘incest, rape and murder;’ threatened and real total destruction; ‘love and exile’. (Zucker, 2005, p. 32-33) For the Israelites, the Book of Genesis stands out from the rest of Torah, and between its topical parts, its Primeval History (Gen 1-11) provides the very foundation of the Israelites monotheistic religion. Genesis 1-11 sets Judaism apart from all other religions with regards to its belief in one omnipotent, omniscient,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Critical Essay on ‘Follower’ Essay Example for Free

Critical Essay on ‘Follower’ Essay A poem which explores the problems of growing older is the poem ‘Follower’ by Seamus Heaney. This poem is about Heaney’s childhood memories of his father working on the farm ploughing the land. Heaney talks very highly of his father and creates the impression of a very strong man who was an expert at what he done and a man who was his son’s hero. It also talks about how Heaney used to follow his dad around as he worked and how he dreamed of growing up and ploughing like his dad. However, there is a twist at the end of the poem and Heaney goes from talking about how he was an annoyance to his dad when he was younger but now his dad is the annoyance to him as he is now old. In the first stanza, Heaney talks about his father and his work. He is talking very highly of his father and says, â€Å"The horses strained at his clicking tongue† This quote shows how his father was a man who was extremely good at his work as it shows how his father could control numerous strong farm animals perfectly and with ease just by clicking his tongue, a very hard thing to do using reasonable force never mind just by a simple gesture such of the click of his tongue. The image the reader gathers from this quote goes well with the image of a strong, well-built man that we get when Heaney writes, â€Å"His shoulders globed like a full sail strung† These two quotes together give a very good impression of Heaney’s dad. Together they give the impression that his dad was a very heroic figure to him and that he aspired to be like him. It gives the image of the perfect male, a strong, graceful man that was an expert at his profession and that was an idol to his son. However, these hero-like images of his father when he was younger are dismissed later on in the poem when Heaney writes about how his dad is no longer the big strong man that is an idol to younger males but the complete opposite, someone who is annoying and in the way of him rather than being someone who he looks up to, follows around and aspires to be. These positive quotes of the young strong man and the negative image created by the last stanza go hand in hand to show the problems of growing older. The same kind of idea of the negative points of growing older are continued in to the second stanza when Heaney continues to talk about how his dad was so much of an idol to him and how his dad was someone to be looked up to and to aspire to be like when he was younger and in his prime in this stanza. This time Heaney says, â€Å"An expert. He would set the wing† This is a very powerful line. The short sentence of only two words to start off the stanza is very effective as it gives the impression that his father wasn’t only very good at his job but he was an expert, he was the best. This is once again showing how his father was so much of an idol to him and that he was a very respectable stereotypical perfect father when he was younger as it shows how good his father was at his job. The second part of the line shows that his father knew exactly what he was doing and gives us the impression that his father took his job very seriously and that he was very precise and concentrated when doing anything in his job such as setting the wing. The idea of his dad being so good at his job and being able to do it with ease is continued when Heaney writes, â€Å"The sod rolled over without breaking. At the headrig, with a single pluck† The quotes ‘without breaking’ and ‘with a single pluck’ reinforce the idea that his dad was an ‘expert’ at his job as they show that he could do hard work with ease and that he knew exactly what he was doing and that he could do it perfectly if he could turn soil without it even breaking and control his animals with a ‘single pluck‘. Once again it is the negative image of his father given in the last stanza as he is older that shows the negative effects of growing older as it is so different from the image you gather from the first two stanzas alone about how good his father was at his job and how strong his father was and how much of an idol his father was to him when he was younger. The image of his father being so strong and good at his job in his youth is continued throughout the next three stanzas. The idea of him being an expert and being someone to look up to who was strong and almost perfect is continued through the continued use of quotes such as, â€Å"the sweating team† This shows that the work was not easy. If the team of strong farm horses that where doing the job were sweating and tired you could only imagine how much sweat and effort Heaney’s father would have to put in to the work. It then continues to talk about his expertise in the job as it says things such as, â€Å"Narrowed and angled at the ground, Mapping the furrow exactly.† The first line shows how his father took his work very seriously and that he was very precise in what he done and that he made sure he done it to a good standard therefore he had to concentrate greatly on what he was doing. The second line also reinstates the fact that he was an expert at his work as it shows how he mapped the furrow in his head and made sure it was exact once again showing that he took it very seriously and had pride in his work. Heaney then goes on to write, â€Å"Sometimes he rode me on his back† This gives the impression that his father was the ultimate as he has talked about how hard his work was when he wrote about the ‘sweating team’ and he was talked about how much effort and concentration that he had to put in to his work but he says how he still even managed to carry his little son on his back while he did all of this. Something that would make the work even more harder and longer and would make it harder to concentrate but he still did it. However, all these quotes can be compared to the last three or so lines that show the real problems of growing older. Althought he had listed all of these positive things and even said how he literally followed in his fathers footsteps all day, he finishes of the poem by saying, â€Å"But today It is my father who keeps stumbling Behind me, and will not go away.† This really highlights the problem of growing older as it shows how people can just disregard someone when they get old regardless of what they thought of them when they were younger. Although Heaney had idolised his dad when he was young and wanted to be exactly like him and used to stumble behind his father and annoy him, now that it is Heaney in the position of having his father stumbling behind him and relying on him, Heaney doesn’t even want to know him. This is actually quite a sad ending to the poem as it really does highlight the problems of growing older as it shows how it seems that once you are older and start relying on those younger than you who once relied in you they don’t want to know you. So, as you can see, the author, Seamus Heaney has been very successful at exploring the problems of growing older in his poem ‘Follower’. Heaney does this by writing the vast majority of the poem about positive points about his dad when he was younger making him out to be a hero but then introducing a cruel twist in the last stanza about how even though he once idolised his dad and relied on him now that his dad relies on Heaney, he doesn’t want to know him.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Factors Effecting Cardiac Output Physical Education Essay

Factors Effecting Cardiac Output Physical Education Essay Inotropy can have positive or negative effect on the heart, especially the ventricles. There are few factors that can influence inotropy; this can either be neuronal, hormonal. The neuronal influence is predominately from the autonomic nerves, either the parasympathetic or the sympathetic nerves and these have both negative and positive effect on inotropy. However, other influences come from some drugs which have positive or negative effect on inotropy. This will consequently affect the cardio output by changing the state of for example ESV, preload, stroke volume and heart rate. All of these factors are related and depend on each other. Section A: The autonomic nerves are divided into two, parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves. The sympathetic nerves cause a positive inotropy. It does this by releasing norpinephrine by the postganlionic fibers and the secretion of epinephrine from adrenal medulla. These hormones, norpinephrine and epinephrine, causes the cardiac muscle cell metabolism. Hence, the contraction and the force of contraction in the cardiac muscle increase. This increases because of special types of receptors called adrenergic receptors found on the plasma membrane of the cardiac muscle cells. There are two types; one is called the alpha receptors and the other type is called the beta receptors. These receptors bind to and recognise both norepinephrine and epinephrine. Because of the cardiac muscle cells contraction increases this will cause the ventricles to contract harder. This will decrease the end systolic volume, because the amount of blood ejected from the ventricles increases. The other types of nerves that influence the inotropy are called parasympathetic nerves. The parasympathetic stimulation from the vagus causes the release of acetylcholine (ACh), which is a neurotransmitter. The ACh binds to two types of receptors; they are known as the muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors. There are different types of mascarinic receptors; and the M2 muscarinic receptors are specific for the heart. These receptors work by maintaining the heart to stay at its constant state. When the ACh is released it binds to M2 mascurinic receptors. Therefore, after the reactions occur between the M2 mascurinic receptors and the ACh, the effect it has on the heart is that it reduces the heart rate; it also reduces the action potential produced by the SA node and the AV node. However, it also affects the heartà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ability to contract. Both the arterial and ventricular muscle cells are innervated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. However, in the ventricular muscle cells, the parasympathetic nerves have more compact than the sympathetic nerves. For these reasons the parasympathetic stimulation has a negative effect on the inotropy. Beside the parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulations having influence on the inotropic state; there are few hormones, described above, and drugs that can also influence the inotropic state of the heart. As mentioned above, epinephrine, which is released from the adrenal gland, and norepinephrine, which is released from the sympathetic nerves, increases the heart rate. This has a positive effect on the inotropic state of the heart. However, there are few drugs that have the opposite effect of the norepinephrine and epinephrine; these drugs are known as antagonist, because they block the action of the hormones. Some examples of such drugs are propanolol and digoxin. Propranolol works by blocking the beta adrenergic receptors that binds with epinephrine. This means that epinephrine cannot longer bind to these receptors, so therefore its effects are no longer seen and blocked. This is why propranolol and drugs similar to it are called beta-blockers. The actions seen by these drugs on the heart is that it slows down the heart rate. When the ventricles contract with great deal of force, the ventricles have to overcome some sort of tension; this tension is known as afterload and comes from the aorta pressure. Therefore, if the afterload is increased, this will mean the ventricular muscle cells will contract for longer period. Hence, the greater the end systolic volume will be; this is because the blood ejected is less and this will reduce the stroke volume, which means cardiac output will decrease as well. This mechanism only happens when the inotropy is increased and this can be done by hormonal or anatomic stimulation influence. On the other hand, a reduced inotropic sate, in this case the afterload is increased as well, will have the opposite effect on the end systolic volume. Section B: The preload is directly proportional to the end diastolic volume; therefore if there is an increase in the preload, there is an increase in the end diastolic volume. Basically what preload does is that it affects the cardiac muscle cellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ability of creating tension. So this means during systole, during the contraction of the ventricular muscle cells, the force produced increases and is forceful. Therefore increasing inotropy, by hormones such as epinephrine or stimulation from the autonomic nervous system, will increase in the force of contraction of the ventricles. Another way the inotropy can be increased depends on the amount of blood that is returned to the heart, which is known as the venous return. This can for example be caused by excise; this will increase the venous return and which will increase the end diastolic volume. Hence the increase of end diastolic volume will cause the increase of both stroke volume and cardiac output. What the venous return does is that it stretches the ventricular muscle cells because of the more blood. So this means the sacromere length will increase so does the tension. This results in the contraction of the ventricular muscle cells with greater force and the ejection of more blood. Thus, an increase in the preload will cause an increase in end diastolic volume; so therefore stroke volume is increased and cardiac output. This mechanism is known as the Frank-Starling law; this law basically states that the more the heart is stretched, the harder the heart contracts to eject more blood. When the ventricles contract with great deal of force, the ventricles have to overcome some sort of tension; this tension is known as afterload and comes from the aorta pressure. Therefore, if the afterload is increased, this will mean the ventricular muscle cells will contract for longer period. Hence, the greater the end systolic volume will be; this is because the blood ejected is less and this will reduce the stroke volume, which means cardiac output will decrease as well. This mechanism only happens when the inotropy is increased and this can be done by hormonal or anatomic stimulation influence. On the other hand, a reduced inotropic sate, in this case the afterload is increased as well, will have the opposite effect on the end systolic volume. The contractility of the heart can, especially the ventricles, can have a great deal on the pressure and the development tension on the ventricles. This has an effect on the ejection fraction, because the inotropy changes the amount of blood ejected from the ventricles. There are two types of factors that increase the inotropic state. The types are either said to have positive inotropic or negative inotropic. In order for the cardiac muscles cells to contract, the sarcoplasmic reticulum has to release Ca2+ .What causes the contraction of the cardiac cells are the entry of Ca2+ into the cells. Therefore what the positive inotropic does is that it increases the amount of Ca2+ that enter into the cardiac muscle cells. This increases the stroke volume and lowers the ESV which in return increases the cardiac output. An example of this is the sympathetic stimulation on the heart. However, the negative inotropic has the opposite effect. This can for example be the parasympathetic stimulation; basically this will block the entry of the Ca2+ into the cardiac muscle cells. Thus the ejection fraction is reduced which leads to an increase on the ESV; hence the stroke volume decrease and cardiac output as well. The heart rate is defined as the number of times the heart beats in one minutes. In a normal person at rest beats as 70 beats per minutes. The body controls the heart rate different ways that might increase or decrease heart rate. Activities from the parasympathetic nerves decreases the heart rate, basically what happens is that stimulations sent from the parasympathetic nerves to the heart decreases heart rate; whereas the sympathetic nerves have the opposite effect. The effect seen from this is that the pacemaker potential decreases due to a decrease in the F-type sodium ions. This means the threshold is reached more slowly than it is normally, thus heart rate decreases and consequently the cardiac out decreases as well. Heart rate can also be affected by hormonal influence. One primarily example is the release of epinephrine which is released from adrenal medulla. This hormone basically acts on the receptors found on beta-adrenergic receptors in the SA node. These receptors normally accept norepinephrine, which is released from the neurons. The effect of these hormones is that it increases the heart rate, hence the cardiac output.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Yoga and its Relation to Health Essay -- spiritual goals, health benef

Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. There is an estimated 11 million Americans enjoying the health benefits of yoga. Though few people even know why. Most people think it’s just â€Å"Stretching†, But very few ever really stops to think about the health benefits of yoga. So let’s look at a few of these shall we? Some of the most commonly talked about benefits of yoga are the all-around fitness, weight loss, Stress relief, inner peace, improved immunity, living with greater awareness, better relationships, increased energy, better flexibility and posture, better intuition, increased lubrication of the joints ligaments and tendons, massages all of the organs in the body, complete detoxification, excellent toning of the muscles, reduced heart rate and blood pressure, increased lung function, helps with conditions such as anxiety, depression and insomnia, it has also shown positive effects on levels of certain brain and blood chemicals. So Besides the spiritual goals, the asana of yoga are used to reduce or get rid of health problems reduce stress and make the spine supple. In current times yoga is also used as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine. The focus of yoga is on calm mindfulness, controlled breathing along with physical movement bringing with it benefits with regular practice. As most people are aware of Yogis sleep better with increased energy levels, and muscle tone, release of muscle pain and stiffness, improves circulation and over all better health. But few people know the breathing aspect of yoga can benefit heart rate and blood pressure. Three main focuses of Hatha Yoga are exercise, breathing and meditation. Making it a great choice for people suffering from hea... .... Yes there is some out there that say yoga is just stretching but those people are only partially right. Yoga unites mind, body and soul so it is obvious it can be used to treat mental and physical conditions. So there for yoga is so much more than most people perceive. Personally yoga has helped me out allot I use to have depression, anxiety, sleep problems and lower back pain. Yes I know I use to be a mess lol. One day I decided to try yoga and my life has been changed ever since. I no longer have any of these problems and I thank yoga for it. Resources:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Heart Disease

Heart Disease Kayla Tusa Adelphi University Abstract This paper is aimed to view heart disease and show the effects that it can have on the person who has it. The points made in this paper will show what heart disease does to the body. It shows symptoms and treatments that are used with this disease. It mainly shows the facts about heart disease. The illness in my family that I feel poses the greatest threat to me is heart disease. Heart disease has been in my father’s family for a few generations. My father has heart disease and has had two heart attacks during his life.My father had to have quintuple bypass surgery after his second heart attack. My grandfather and great grandfather on my father’s side also both had heart disease and passed away from heart attacks. Since I have all of the knowledge I am aware of this disease and the effects it can have. I also realize the risk I have and take precautions as often as I can. The full name for heart disease is coronary he art disease. This is when there are blockages in the coronary arteries. These blockages are usually cause by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the buildup of cholesterol and fatty deposits, also called plaques, on the inner walls of the coronary arteries† (A, 2). When these blockages start to form issues come about. Since the arteries are being blocked, it can result in less blood traveling to the heart. If the blood traveling to the heart is restricted then this can cause problems to arise. If the heart does not get enough blood that means it is also not getting enough oxygen and nutrients. One signal that shows this is occurring is chest pains. The name of these chest pains is angina.Another problem that can occur from this blood restriction is a heart attack. A heart attack happens when the heart needs more energy than can be supplied to it from the blood supply it is receiving. There are many factors and causes that heart disease can have. â€Å"The most common risk fac tors include smoking, family history, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, high alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, stress, and hyperlipidemia† (A, 8). Studies have shown that about 54% of cases are linked to smoking, 20% of cases are linked to obesity, and 7-12% of cases are linked to lack of exercise (A, 9).I have asked my father what the causes have been for his heart disease. The causes of my father’s heart disease were smoking, family history, and stress. My father is not able to control family history. He also cannot control when he has stress but he has made efforts to manage his stress better. One thing he has done is that he quit smoking after his second heart attack. He knew that he needed to do this in order to not make his disease worse. A person can also have a higher risk of having heart disease if they have a history of high blood pressure in their family (A, 13-14).There are symptoms of having heart disease. Unfortunately these symptoms are not always not iceable. Sometimes the symptoms are obvious and sometimes there are no symptoms at all. In the early stages of heart disease it is likely for there to be no symptoms. Angina is the most common symptom of heart disease. This is why chest pains are seen as being very serious. The chest pains are felt when the heart is not getting what it needs to function properly. The pain that one experiences differs depending on the person (B, 14-15).This is very dangerous because when the heart is not getting what it needs there may be pains in other parts of the body. The pains do not always occur in the person’s chest. Pain may be felt in the neck, arms, stomach, upper back, or under the sternum (B, 16-17). This is dangerous because one may not realize what the cause of the pain is and may not get the proper treatment for it. When my dad had his second heart attack he did not have chest pains. He had pains in his upper back and was not planning on going to the hospital. He ended up changi ng his mind and was lucky he did because he needed immediate care. Women, elderly people, and people with diabetes are more likely to have symptoms other than chest pain, such as: fatigue, shortness of breath, and general weakness† (B, 20-23). Heart disease cannot be cured, but it has been proved that people can reduce it by making some changes in their lifestyle. One thing listed is a plant-based diet which was shown by Caldwell Esselstyn and Colin Campbell. It states that this diet is â€Å"effective as a treatment of coronary disease, and generalized atherosclerosis† (A, 16-17). Some other changes that can help are weight control, not smoking, avoiding trans fats, consuming fish il, decreasing psychosocial stress, and exercising. When exercising, it is most helpful to do aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, or swimming because it can help decrease blood pressure. When having heart disease, people may take medications as well. One type of medication that is used i s a daily intake of aspirin. Other medications used are usually ones that lower cholesterol. If someone with heart disease has enough blockages in their arteries, they may need to have coronary artery bypass surgery. This surgery is also known more commonly as open heart surgery.This surgery helps clear the blockages that are in the arteries. Another option for treating blockages is coronary angioplasty. This is more commonly known as stents and it is non-surgical (A, 27-29). Multiple tests must be done before heart disease can be diagnosed. Some of the tests that are done are: coronary angiography, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, electron-beam computed tomography, exercise stress test, heart CT scan, and a nuclear stress test. Coronary angiography is â€Å"an invasive test that evaluates the heart arteries under x-ray† (C, 29). An echocardiogram allows doctors to see the heart beating, and to see the heart valves and other structures of the heart† (D, 14-15). Electr on-beam computed tomography is used to look for calcium. Sometimes there is calcium in the lining of the arteries which increases the chance of getting heart disease. â€Å"An exercise stress test is a screening tool used to test the effect of exercise on your heart† (E, 1). A Heart CT scan is â€Å"an imaging method that uses x-rays to create detailed pictures of the heart and its blood vessels† (F, 1-2).A nuclear stress test is performed to see the blood flow is to the heart both when the body is resting and when it is active. Heart attacks are likely to occur when someone has heart disease. â€Å"Most heart attacks are caused by a blood clot that blocks one of the coronary arteries. The coronary arteries bring blood and oxygen to the heart. If the blood flow is blocked, the heart is starved of oxygen and the heart cells die† (G, 3-4). The substance that could block these arteries is plaque. This is the most common cause for a heart attack. When someone has a heart attack the cause of the heart attack cannot always be determined.Heart attacks can happen at many different times. Some of these times are, â€Å"when you are resting or asleep, after a sudden increase in physical activity, when you are active outside in cold weather, or after sudden or severe emotional or physical stress, including an illness† (G, 10-15). Heart attacks can come suddenly and can cause a lot of damage, so it is very important that they are dealt with right away. As soon as someone thinks they may be having issues they should get help and not wait. This is because with heart attacks, the patient is more likely to die within the first few hours of having the heart attack.Some other symptoms of a heart attack that have not been stated are anxiety, cough, fainting, light-headedness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and sweating (G, 30-37). Heart attacks with no symptoms are known as â€Å"silent heart attacks† and are dangerous because the person has no signs. When someone goes to the hospital for a heart attack they will be cared for in many different ways. The patient is first hooked up to a monitor so that the doctor is able to see how their heart is beating.The patient also receives oxygen because it helps relieve the heart and takes stress off of the heart because it doesn’t have to work as hard. The patient is also giving an IV because this gives medications and nutrients to the patient. Some people may receive a drug such as morphine in order to reduce chest pains. Another medication that can be given is aspirin. The medication that is administered to the patient depends on what is safe for the patient. If the patient has abnormal heartbeats then they may need electric shocks in an attempt to fix these (G, 57-62).Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women. Heart disease is deadly and can take someone’s life before they know they are in any danger. My great gr andfather had heart disease and passed away after having a heart attack. My grandfather passed away after having a heart attack as well. He was having a normal day and doing his day to day routine when he had his heart attack. He did not speak of any symptoms and had a sudden deadly heart attack. My father has had two heart attacks in his lifetime. He went to the hospital for his first heart attack because he was having chest ains. He had his second heart attack he went to the hospital because he had pains in his back. Soon after being there he found out he had five arteries blocked and needed to have immediate surgery. The recovery took a very long time for him, but he has made some changes in his lifestyle for the better. Heart disease is a serious illness. It is a disease that has been in my family for generations. I am scared because I feel I am at risk of getting this disease. Although I am nervous I am also very informed on the topic and what steps I can take to try to prevent this disease.I am very cautious and try to shape my life around preventing heart disease from entering it. Works Cited a- http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Coronary_disease#cite_note-Prevent_and_Reverse_Heart_Disease-11 b- http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0004449/ c- http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007115. htm d- http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003869. htm e- http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003878. htm f- http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007344. htm g- http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000195. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Woodrow Wilson Essays - Presidency Of Woodrow Wilson, Free Essays

Woodrow Wilson Essays - Presidency Of Woodrow Wilson, Free Essays Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson -Born in Virginia in 1856 and raised in the South - Democratic president whose election in 1912 ushered in a second wave of progressive reforms on the national level served as US president until 1921. New Nationalism, New Freedom Central to Theodore Roosevelts Campaign was a scheme Called ___________ ____________ which envisioned an era of national unity in which government would coordinate and regulate economic activity. Wilsons proposal , the __________ ___________ was more idealistic. He argued that concentrated power threatened individual liberty and that monopolizes should be broken to ensure a free market place. Federal Trade commission This agency was formed in 1914 to ensure fair trade and practices. Underwood Tariff 1913 This encouraged importation of cheaper foreign goods.. Federal Reserve Act 1913 This established the nations first banking system since 1836. Adamson Act 1916 A United States federal law passed in 1916 that established an eight-hour workday, with additional pay for overtime work, for interstate railroad workers Clayton Anti-Trust Act