Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bipolar disorder3

Bipolar disorder3 Essay Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctors make in their diagnosis. All kids have mood swingsis it Bipolar Disorder? Psychologists of today are having problems diagnosing children with Bipolar Disorder because the symptoms are so different from the adult form of the disorder. In children Bipolar Disorder is called Child Onset Bipolar Disorder, known as COBPD (My Child 1). In children the cycling from highs to lows are very fast. Children will cycle between mania and depression many times a day. The episodes of mania or depression are short and rarely go on for more then a day at a time (Childhood 1). Children have longer periods of normal behavior between episodes then adults (Bipolar I Disorder 1). This rapid cycling is called ultra-ultra rapid cycling (My Child 1). Ultra-ultra rapid cycling is mostly associated with the low states in the morning, and then followed by the afternoon and evening with a high increase in energy (Frequently Asked Questions 1). Children usually have continuous mood changes that are mixes of mania and depression (Sutphen 1). In adult Bipolar Disorder, it is called Bipolar Affective Disorder, known as manic depressive illness (My Child 1). For adults the change from manic to depressed can take months. They often have periods of normal behavior in between their episodes of mania and depression (Bipolar 1). Bipolar Disorder is a biochemical imbalance that causes major mood changes from the highs of mania, to the very lows of depression (My Child 1). Doctors say What goes up must come down with the highs and lows of this disorder, but the cycles are very unpredictable and vary in Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctors make in their diagnosis. length. The times of depression and mania stages are not equal in time (Basic Terminology 1). In children only about .5% have bipolar disorder. The disorder is most common in males in children (Childhood 1). In adults one percent or about four million people of the population is affected by the disorder (Who Gets Bipolar 1). Bipolar Disorder affects women equally (Expert 1). The normal range of age that the disorder appears in is between the ages 15 and 25 (Alternative 1). The cause of Bipolar disorder is still a mystery. Doctors know that there is a strong genetic condition that may have something to do with it (Childhood 1). One of the most important things to have when diagnosing a child with bipolar disorder is to have an accurate family history (Facts 1). With one parent with the disorder they say the chances of each child having it is 15-30%, when both parents have the disorder the risk incr3eases to 50-75% of each child having it. In siblings and fraternal twins there is a 15- 25% percent, and in identical twins there is about a 70% chance of having the disorder. (About Early-Onset 4). In adolescents a loss or some other traumatic event might trigger an episode of either depression or mania. Later episodes of mania or depression may occur independently because of any other obvious trigger, such as stress, or the episode may worsen with any additional added stresses. Puberty is also a time of risk for children (About Early-Onset 3). There are also factors of the persons environment, stressful life events can trigger an episode from anything from a death in the family to losing a job or Determining Bipolar Disorder in children is harder then adults because of the mistakes doctors make in their diagnosis. having a baby, or moving to a different city (Bailey 1). Nearly anything can trigger a persons change in mood, there might not be any obvious triggers at all (Bipolar 1). READ: Showing the connection between Essay On average people with Bipolar Disorder, especially children, usually go through three to four doctors, and go through about eight years trying to find what works before they can obtain a correct diagnosis (Expert 1). When diagnosing a child with bipolar disorder doctors have to be very careful that they do not make the wrong diagnosis (Childhood 1). It is very tricky to make a bipolar diagnosis in children because of all the other disorders that can go along with it. .

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Freakonomics Podcast Death by Fire Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Freakonomics Podcast Death by Fire - Assignment Example electronic equipment, people forgetting and leaving their gas on, and the availability of materials that could easily catch fire around the home such as furniture. 6. The discussion about creating safer cigarettes is due to the fact that cigarettes cause a lot of the home fires due to smokers leaving their cigarettes extinguishing them after smoking and placing them either knowingly or unknowingly on an ignitable surface. Cigarettes that have not been extinguished if placed on surfaces such as beds or sofas, could easily burn the mattress or sofa as even when it is not being smoked it continues to burn. An ignition safe cigarette has been proposed as the cigarette once placed down will automatically extinguish itself. 7. The technology that is taking place with cooking equipment is the installation of temperature regulators that prevent cookers from getting to their auto ignition temperature and installation of motion sensors in the cooker so that if the cooker is left unattended for too long it would shut itself off. 10. So many people died despite the claim that the building was fire proof since the fire escapes had collapsed and the exits were not enough for the workers, a stampede ensued which led to the workers falling on each other on the way down the stairs, The exit door to the building was locked, and the lack of fire alarms led to the workers on the nineth floor not knowing early enough that a fire had ensued meaning they did not have enough time to exit the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Effective Learning in the Classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effective Learning in the Classroom - Essay Example Teachers must have the sensitivity and innate talent to discern students’ academic capabilities and tailor one’s skills and abilities to effectively address their varied learning needs  to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place" (Ericksen, 1978, p. 3) As students have diverse skills and abilities, as well as needs and competencies, teachers must be able to tailor their skills and abilities to address the students’ learning needs through motivation and the creation of an appropriate learning environment. By capitalizing on one’s personal and professional strengths, I would be able to achieve the objectives identified in various course modules and expected student outcomes. In one’s past experience as a mathematics teacher to predominantly Spanish speaking students, I have recognized the importance of incorporating diversity in culture and therefore addressing communication barriers. Teachers must have the sensi tivity and innate talent to discern students’ academic capabilities and tailor one’s skills and abilities to effectively address their varied learning.